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Angular In Azure: secure API access

Summary Angular like any other single-page (SPA) application needs to access back-end API to retrieve and update data. And Azure...

Azure Traffic Analytics in 10 minutes

Azure Traffic analytics in combination with NSG flow logs version 2 help you better understand capacity utilization and maintain...

Azure Application Insights - capture client IP

Microsoft takes a great care to help manage and protect personal data that can be collected in Azure Log Analytics. For example Azure...

Start with Angular in Azure - easy way

We added Angular to the set of application platforms deployed on Azure. Being new to Angular had to check different ways to deploy and...

Azure App Service Java Profiler

For application deployment to be supportable we need to have a clear visibility and insight into application performance and behavior....

Securing Azure at scale. Azure SQL

Securing Azure at scale requires planning and automation. Microsoft provided amazing tools for this and keeps improving them. But overall...

Debug cloud

This is a collection of notes found useful when debugging cloud applications. Deployment Failed? Template deployment failed - you got...

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